Why subscribe to yet another newsletter?

My goal: protect your time and your psyche (“did I miss something??!?”) by providing relevant and contextual news about the U.S. politics, misinformation and technology (“AI”)) that you might not see/hear/watch otherwise but that have societal impact.

I write short, sense-making essays. Everything is fact-based.

This newsletter began on 01 March 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic new and because domestic and global news was disjointed, overwhelming and without context. I wrote end-of-day from the Seattle-area for five months. Those newsletters remain publicly available.

Very big reminder: it’s per capita trends that are key, just like it’s percentages not whole numbers and real (deflated) dollars not nominal (today’s) ones.

At the suggestion of readers, I have set up a subscription model, which is currently voluntary. In other words, it’s a way to provide some compensation while I work out a schedule to determine how I might provide subscriber-only content. I am open to suggestions!

About me

I’m a journalist and educator (and economist by education more than practice) who has been involved with public policy since high school, with a historic emphasis on environmental and agricultural policy. This newsletter started as a “cheat sheet” to help me create context about this pandemic for my own understanding. Friends said it was helpful, so I made it public.

I wrote about politics daily for About.com for four years; I’ve written semi-regularly for The Moderate Voice for more than a decade.

If there’s something you’d like to read about, please send me a message on Twitter @kegill or Mastodon, also mastadon.social@kegill. Also, feel free to comment on a newsletter post here on SubStack if you’re a subscriber.

Learn more about me

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🌐 Global news related to Covid-19 (at WiredPen)

// CIDRAP / STAT News // Financial Times / Global China Daily / New Straits Times / South China Morning Post / The Age / The Globe and Mail / The Guardian // New York Times / Seattle Times / Wall Street Journal / Washington Post // The Atlantic / The Conversation / The Economist / ProPublica // ABC News (Australia) / BBC News / BBC News China / CBC (Canada) // ABC News (US) / CBS News / CNBC / CNN / C-SPAN / NBC News //

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Subscribe to ⚡️Memo from a News Hound

News in context with focus on U.S. politics, misinformation, trends.


Writer/speaker/journalist/professor. User/UX advocate. Elections geek. MSF instructor. Pushy! Go Dawgs! Deep south ex-pat #breastCancer #uga she/her